
some nice caminadas (2 ene 2009)

It's been a bit since I've posted so I'm guilted into putting something up, although I don't really have much to say right now. Been fairly saturated with tango for the holidays and am feeling burnt, which causes my dance to suffer. I feel bad about that, because I've been lucky enough to share some tandas with some really lovely dancers but my heart just wasn't invested, and I think they deserved more.

But, as always, it'll pass, and I'll likely have some fresh perspective when my focus and energy is renewed. Usually, I'll get to working on fundamentals, which is always my fall back comfort zone. And I already have some things I'd like to polish up (COLLECT!)

Anyway, since I'm on the subject of fundamentals, I figured I'd post some examples of leaders whose walks I admire. Of course, they do a lot more than just walk, but it's in this not so small, good thing where I think they stand out. In no particular order:

Pablo Verón

Miguel Angel Zotto

Ezequiel Farfaro

Sebastián Achával

Fernando Galera

Gabriel Angio

Happy 2009 everybody!

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